miércoles, 20 de enero de 2016

Recycling this blog once again

It is me, from Argentina! 
How is everyone doing? 

I am here to tell you the stories and share the roller coaster of feelings, experiences and anecdotes I am going through since my arrival back home. I want to keep up with all of you back in the U.S, show you photos, let you laugh and cry with me, stay as close as I can so we walk together this path of returning to my home country after 14 and a half years. To that end, I am recycling this old blog in which I used to write in Spanish. Now it is English.

I feel also like I need to write in English to stay connected with my "gringa" self. After living there for so long, there is a chunk of me that is United-Statian now. All I learned and what I became while there is an undeniable part of me. So this is the secret goal of writing this blog: Unite me. Make one of my two parts. Past and present. Argentina and United States. Come up with one Mariana for once and for all. I know I am one persona, but some parts feel disconnected and I need to put together my identity puzzle. 

So, to these objectives I write! 
Welcome to those of you reading. Enjoy and gracias for being there. Without you, I could not be here. 

1 comentario:

Anónimo dijo...

hola amiga !!! welcome back !!! que suerte tenerte por acá también !! te quiero