martes, 17 de marzo de 2009

Matrimonio para todos?

Esta semana en la legislatura de Vermont se esta discutiendo un proyecto de ley que, de ser aprobado, permitira el matrimonio entre personas del mismo sexo.

Desde 1999 Vermont acepta las uniones civiles entre personas del mismo sexo, pero las personas que participan en una union civil no tienen los mismo derechos que las personas que participan en un matrimonio. Por lo tanto, desde hace varios anios, ciertos grupos advocan por la igualdad de derechos para todos los quieran unirse legalmente. Los oponentes dicen que el matrimonio solo debe ser entre un hombre y una mujer y que eso no debe ser alterado.

Hace muchos anios atras, las mujeres y los negros eran considerados diferentes, inferiores y de menor valor en la sociedad, por lo tanto, eran discriminados y se les negaba muchos de los derechos que se le otorgaba a hombres y a blancos. Con el tiempo, y gracias a que las mujeres y los negros advocaron y pelearon hasta morir por sus derechos, la sociedad empezo a cambiar de opinion.

No habra sido facil, me imagino, al principio, ver a una mujer votando o hablando en publico. No habra sido facil, me imagino, la primera vez que un negro entro a un colegio o a una universidad de blancos. De la misma manera, no sera facil para los que estamos acostumbrados al matrimonio tradicional heterosexual ver dos hombres o dos mujeres juntos. Muchos van a criticar y horrorizarse pero el tiempo ensena lecciones a aquellos que se espantan enseguida.

La sociedad esta aprendiendo de a poco a aceptar los distintos tipos de relaciones y asi como hoy nos cuesta creer que en algun momento las mujeres y los negros fueron discriminados, en el futuro, a nuestros hijos y nietos les va a costar creer que nosotros discriminamos a las personas que tienen una orientacion sexual distinta.

Todo es cuestion de adaptarse, de abrir la mente y el corazon, de amar a TODOS y no juzgar.
Educada en la religion Catolica, a veces me gusta preguntarme que haria Jesus si se enfrentara con este desafio. Lo que nos dicen de Jesus es que NUNCA discrimino a nadie. Entonces?

Vos que opinas?

1 comentario:

Michelle dijo...

Mi Querida:
Perhaps I could take a moment and share my opinion with you because you know me and we love and respect each other. I agree wholeheartedly with the issues you have shared concerning issues of civil rights and equality.

Step back a moment with me and let me take you on a journey through my mind and heart. This will require that you view this controversy of same-sex relations not as an issue of civil rights, but instead, as an issue of morality. Imagine that you knew in your heart that BEFORE we came to earth we were created as Spirits, each of us a separate being, male and female. And continue to think that you chose to come to earth to a family unit and that your most precious goal and desire was to, in the end, return to your Father in Heaven (God), Jesus Christ His Son,and be with that family unit forever.

God was merciful to create this Plan and we each agreed to come, live life as a test, create families with a man and a woman, have children together and learn the lessons that only those of life and parenthood can teach you. Jesus Christ became the Center of this Plan, as it is only through His great sacrifice that we can repent and change and become clean again, worthy to return to His presence.

It is with that view - a sincere view that life was designed since "before time" essentially that man and woman were meant to be together, learning and growing together - that I confront this current issue of same-sex "marriages."

With what audacity are we going to be the generation to change the eternal nature of life? What would happen if all of nature acted as boldly and with such disregard for the natural and DIVINE design of life as to promote same-sex relationships? Where would we be then? Imagine how quickly life would change as we know it without procreation and the perpetuation of all kinds of species, not just those of humans?

We are too bold in our assumptions these days to try and alter the grand and beautiful Plan of our Creator. have taken this journey through my mind and my heart, you know me personally, you know that I am as kind and loving as I know how to be. What's more, you know that I strive to make daily and weekly efforts to grown, repent, change, and improve. These are the things the Savior has taught.

Jesus does absolutely INDEED love ALL of us on this Earth - all of us! He does not love me more than someone in a same-sex relationship; I know that to be 100% true. This, however, does not mean He would - or will - turn a blind eye to those who choose to live a life morally oppposed to the grand plan of which He is the Center.

Now, for me, these relationships are morally wrong, and that is not a popular opinion to hold these days. You mentioned Jesus Christ...His never was the popular view of the time.

What is the great tragedy here in our great "tolerant" state of Vermont is how quickly I am labeled as one who "hates" for feeling this way and sharing this opinion. On the contrary, I feel no feelings of "hate;" I have friends and acquaintances that are in same-sex relationships. I do not accept their behavior, that is a different thing. The problem I have encountered here is that there are far too many people who plea for tolerance and equality who are not willing, like yourself, to hear people of the opposite viewpoint out. This is why I feel so frustrated to be living here at this time.

People are QUICK to judge if you dare disagree from this popular opinion to accept same-sex relations. It is rare that someone will hear me out and "tolerate" or "respect" my opinion.

I simply cannot go against what I know to be an eternal and divine Plan of a loving Heavenly father, to say that it is OK for people who choose to act on same-sex attraction to be "married." I am a mother who knows...a mother who knows that marriage between a man and a woman is ordained of God and that children have the right to be born into a home with a mother and father.

People write that off today as cliche, old-fashioned, and too ideal. Yet, in the end, I will be able to look my loving Father in Heaven in the eyes, and say I did everything in my power during my time on earth to uphold, defend, and protect the family as He designed it.

Why would I cave under political pressure to give up a moment like that? It would feel like selling my soul for a mess of pottage. So, for now, we will continue to be unpopular. We will continue to teach truth. And we will continue, one person at a time, to share that this has NOTHING to do with hatred. On the contrary, I know that we are all children of God - as I said earlier.

Gracias por "escuchar." Te quiero un monton! You know why else I love you? Because I can share this, and you will still love me and appreciate me - unlike most other people who claim to be "open" and "tolerant." You are an amazing woman!

Besos! Michelle